Development - Export - Trading - Research
Our activity
Specialist in fluid transmission equipment, watering, irrigation as well as fittings, valves and connectors.

Dextre started in 1988 thanks to an import-export activity. It is still today the most important activity for the company by its share of turnover. It accounts for 95% of turnover. This import-export activity particularly concerns the material of transmission of fluids (fittings, valves ...) with a specialization in connectors and industrial valves, watering equipment for the end retail DIY consummer and professional irrigation equipment.

Import : this is our job
We import our products from Asia, mainly manufacturing plants in China and Taiwan, but also Israel, the United States and Italy, then we redistribute them from wholesalers, importers or manufacturers.

A tailor-made offer
At the request of the customer, we can also serve as an intermediary of subcontracting. According to a study carried out, the products distributed by Dextre represent 5% of the irrigation products found in French distributors (retailers, supermarkets, etc.), which proves the real dynamism of our small company. In some cases after sourcing a reliable supply, Dextre may fade once the perennial relationship between factory and customer is established.

Directly at the customer's
The key to our success lies above all in our know-how, namely a good knowledge of products and manufacturing factories through numerous site visits, favored by the polytechnic training of the team. The company also relies on a good mastery of the trade of importer and methods of international negotiation. Its specificity lies in the fact that there is no stock, it sells directly to the customer.
Do you really know your supplier?
- If you have obtained more than 7 to the test contact commercial service of Dextre in order to expand the range of your suppliers at the
- 10? You are without any doubt already a customer of Dextre : stay there; and if you are not yet then
become it!
- Less than 7? Remain vigilant and contact right now Dextre Audit – Appros at the
- Less than 5? You are in danger! Call Dextre Rescue at sea at the